Important notice:Welcome Y7 2025! Congratulations on gaining your place at Lawnswood. Look out for detailed information in the post introducing you to life at Lawnswood. In the meantime, please contact Rhian Speight via email ( or telephone the school, to accept the place.   Contact Rhian via email

0113 284 4020

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The Curriculum


The Curriculum Intention

The Lawnswood School Art Department has designed a curriculum that is creative and engaging. We are passionate about inspiring and enthusing students to develop their Artistic abilities. We are keen to meet the needs of all learners through differentiated resources and celebrate individuality. We prepare students at key stage 3 with the knowledge and understanding to equip them to successfully study GCSE AQA Fine Art. We are keen to motivate and aspire students through informing them of the creative industries beyond school life with our ‘focus on your future’ projects. The Art department is invested in developing students through social, moral, spiritual and cultural aspects of Art, craft and design.

The criteria for each individual assessment are shared with pupils and used repeatedly for assessment for learning, peer and self-assessment and to support pupils in understanding how to develop and improve their work. The learning journeys are used for each Scheme of Learning and is designed to inform students of the steps throughout their projects. They highlight points of assessment and also include areas for assessment for learning. PIN sheets are used for specific feedback on individual pieces. We have divided the key stage 3 assessments into three strands: knowledge, skills and application. Students are considered to be Developing, Meeting or Exceeding within the 3 strands.

At all key stages we have devised schemes of learning that draw on the fundamentals of historical Art, craft and design putting Art into context. We link this to contemporary practitioners in order to make the learning journeys exciting, cutting edge and relevant to students. Students are given home learning menus, giving them a choice of tasks to develop at home. This gives them ownership of their learning and promotes independently learning. Daily lunchtime and weekly after school Art clubs provide students with an environment to nurture and enhance their Art work.

The Implementation; how the Lawnswood Links are addressed