Great Teaching @ KS3
- We follow the curriculum to support consistency in delivery, provide a rounded experience and help prepare students for KS4 and beyond.
- We ensure that students are active, challenged and learning throughout every lesson to maximise progress.
- We first question, support and group disadvantaged and middle ability students to diminish the difference.
- We have a strong and formalised start and end of lesson routine to set high expectations and engage students in learning from the very start of the lesson.
Great Teaching @ KS4 & KS5
- We provide feedback in line with the department policy to help students make improvements to work.
- We use regular low stakes tests to support retention of knowledge.
- We use data to inform planning and teaching to ensure that all students are challenged and able to access learning.
- We first question, support and seat disadvantaged and middle ability students to diminish the difference.
- We use strategies to develop metacognition to support our students in understanding exam questions and being able to apply their knowledge.
- We use the 15 minutes of silence to develop student resilience and help them develop their literacy skills.
- We use ‘Do Now’ or ‘Settler’ tasks to set high expectations and engage students in learning from the very start of the lesson.