All staff contribute to the planning of units of work which are then shared amongst the staff to deliver uniformly across the year groups, based on these lines of enquiry. Content and activities are planned in order to help our young people develop their own understanding and opinions of a range of subject matters, in an attempt to help them rationalise and then verbalise an opinion on the world.
Staff then use data and their knowledge of their groups to personalise this planning to ensure pupils are challenged and engaged through a variety of learning activities.
Skills such as literacy, reading, FOYF are applied within the units of work, using 15 mins of silence in particular.
Each unit of work is then followed by a revision lesson before the assessment which is based on the GCSE exam format. They are then given an opportunity afterwards to reflect and use green pen to review and improve.
Pupils have 8 units of work to cover for the GCSE – one paper studies Christianity and Islam, their beliefs and their practices. The other paper focusses on Philosophy and Ethics. Each unit of work will take a minimum of 12 hours to deliver (usually closer to 18-20 if done in adequate detail for the religious units). Pupil will then sit a formal GCSE past paper for their assessment and be given feedback and given time for a detailed reflect and review on their performance.