KS3 - Year 7,8 and 9 SOL are developed by all KS3 staff.
To showcase their work and progress students use one book as they work through all the materials areas. Students are actively encouraged to use books for HL tasks.
Presentation rules as followed as per whole school policy.
We teach theory and practical skills to develop resilient learners:
- Lessons target knowledge, skills and application and each student will have the assessment criteria in their book for each module of work which the students will be interacting with to assess their progress. The learning swirls are used to record PINS assessments, tests and feedback. The big picture of their learning, expectations will be explicitly explained in all students and evident in their books so that they are clear about all aspects of their learning journey.
- PPs are produced for all units of work in a standard format across DT so that the expectation and standards are consistent across all areas and teachers.
- 15 mins silence will be explicit in every lesson to enable students to develop and demonstrate their resilience.
- A more holistic approach is being taken within DT to reflect the role of design and designers in society as well as supporting KS4 curriculum.
Metacognition is a key part of the teaching and Learning in D and T, Subject knowledge is assessed at the beginning and end of each unit and taught and assessed throughout the units of work. It is also taught through kinaesthetic learning explicitly modelling skills and the application of their learning. Before each DC point standardisation and moderation of books is built into the scheme of learning and internal assessments. A tracker supports staff to assess progress accurately and consistently and share information. SOL is planned to ensure designing and making skills are embedded and units of work that following continue to develop their skills and knowledge to a higher level often in new material areas. Throughout KS3 students stay with the same teacher as much as possible to ensure that the learning is progressive, deep and personalised.
After each collection of data progress will be shared, discussed, reviewed and recorded by student in their books. During confidence week all students will review their learning and identify areas for improvements. They will have opportunities to discuss and work on these areas.
Before exams students will have opportunities to use a variety of resources to support their revision and reinforced using metacognition and the use of exemplar work and model answers.
The KS3 curriculum is the foundation for KS4 and builds upon the knowledge skills and understanding. At KS4 we follow the GCSE AQA Design and Technology specification.
How is the course assessed?
AQA GCSE Design and Technology
- Assessment is 50% written exam (2 hours) investigating core and specific technical knowledge
- 50% Practical coursework (Non-Exam Assessment). A contextual challenge set by the exam board in Year 11
In Y10 student work through modules
- Core technical principles
- Specialist technical principles
- Designing and making principles
The theory is taught through practical learning wherever possible to increase engagement.
Reflective practice is completed at the end of each module to develop oracy and written aspects with key vocabulary. Students also engage different exam questions from the specification to help consolidate learning and to aid the revision process. Students will have covered examination questions from the specification. This process helps prepare students for the external examinations.
SMEH is intrinsic in all Design Technology in all lessons across the all year groups. The work is adapted where possible and support given to enable all students to access the curriculum and to be wholly inclusive. The whole faculty supports the students and teachers to enable productive teaching and learning to take place. Restorative practice is built into any intervention strategies.