Important notice:Welcome Y7 2025! Congratulations on gaining your place at Lawnswood. Look out for detailed information in the post introducing you to life at Lawnswood. In the meantime, please contact Rhian Speight via email ( or telephone the school, to accept the place.   Contact Rhian via email

0113 284 4020

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The Curriculum


The Curriculum Intention

The Lawnswood School PSHE Curriculum aims to provide students with life skills for the future. We deliver information across 3 keys strands. These being living in the wider world, health and well-being and relationships. The curriculum strives to be proactive and ever changing to maintain its up to date and relevant status. Students are delivered a plethora of information to allow them to make informed choices in risk taking situations as well as daily life. It is designed to filter into everyday life within the Lawnswood community via morning registration, assemblies, weekly themes and set curriculum lessons. We work closely with specialists from the council to ensure resources and information is kept up to date in relation to city wide issues as well and our school.

The Implementation; how the Lawnswood Links are addressed


For further supports for students, parents and carers please visit


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Key Stage 3 Assessment Rationale




How progress is tracked

Students' progresses are tracked via their form tutors. Students are given a chance at the start of the lesson to reflect current knowledge of the topic area either using mind maps or other identified reflective and assessment strategies identified by the PSHE association this is revisited at the end of the lesson to demonstrate the journey made throughout the lesson. All students' efforts are logged and sent to parents within their report.

How Developing/Meeting/Exceeding is determined

Tutors to report an ATL on SIMS. This score is 0-3. 3 being outstanding, 2 being good, 1 requires improvement and 0 being unsatisfactory. This information is then shared with parents. Verbal continuous feedback will also be given throughout. Students are challenged via targeted questioning.






How students are stretched and challenged

Some students are signposted as ambassadors to further develop their interest within the subject area. Some students are signposted to lead discussions. At times students will be allocated to lead assemblies where appropriate.

Within the lesson plans themselves students will have a range of tasks to attempt as well as a variety of ways to approach their answers or presentation of information. The lesson plan will offer differentiated tasks which will allow greater depth to be demonstrated by certain students.





How intervention is provided to Developing students

Students struggling with certain areas of the curriculum with be identified to tutors. External support will be brought in for specialist support as well as our internal pastoral and student support workers. Students will assess their knowledge and identify areas which they feel they would still like further knowledge or support with.

Students developing will also likely have intervention from the year team and depending on the area to develop may be signposted to relevant bespoke support or agencies.