Important notice:Welcome Y7 2025! Congratulations on gaining your place at Lawnswood. Look out for detailed information in the post introducing you to life at Lawnswood. In the meantime, please contact Rhian Speight via email ( or telephone the school, to accept the place.   Contact Rhian via email

0113 284 4020

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The Curriculum

Health and Social Care

The Curriculum Intention

“The mind and body are not separate. What affects one affects the other.”

As UK Citizens we are privileged to have access to the National Health Service and other supporting services that allow us ensure we live healthy lives. It is imperative students are aware of how the 7 Care Values are transferable skills that they will adhere to throughout their working lives and when working alongside others and within their families. Through reflective practice of their own actions and performance we intend to instil values in students that will encourage them to be well rounded individuals in society with the confidence and buoyancy to empower them to chase their career aspirations and to create, thoughtful and caring individuals who will in turn, pass these values on in the future.

The Lawnswood Health and Social Care Department intends to deliver a curriculum based on the OCR Cambridge National Certificate and government set National Curriculum.

The Cambridge Nationals (KS4) and Cambridge Technicals (KS5) course both aim to provide learners with specialist knowledge and skills for everyday use, i.e. sound communication skills; adopting a hands-on approach to do this. The curriculum is designed to offer challenge and support for all students, with literacy and numeracy being taught through all units. These qualifications are vocationally related, where learners develop knowledge and understanding by applying their learning and skills in a work-related context. Additionally, they are popular and effective because they engage learners to take responsibility for their own learning and to develop skills that are essential for the modern-day workplace. These skills include team working; working from a set assignment; working to deadlines; presenting information effectively; and accurately completing administrative tasks and processes. The OCR syllabus motivates learners and opens doors to progression into further study and responsibility within the workplace.

The Implementation; how the Lawnswood Links are addressed