Important notice:Welcome Y7 2025! Congratulations on gaining your place at Lawnswood. Look out for detailed information in the post introducing you to life at Lawnswood. In the meantime, please contact Rhian Speight via email ( or telephone the school, to accept the place.   Contact Rhian via email

0113 284 4020

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The Curriculum


The Curriculum Intention

The Computer Science curriculum is designed to follow the statutory guidance given for KS3,4 and 5. The Lawnswood School Computer Science department aims to provide students with a discipline that enhances pupils’ lives as well as their life skills. It prepares young people for a world that doesn’t yet exist, involving technologies that have not yet been invented, and that present technical and ethical challenges of which we are not yet aware. A “discipline” is characterised by:

  • A body of knowledge, including widely-applicable ideas and concepts, and a theoretical framework into which these ideas and concepts fit.
  • A set of techniques and methods that may be applied in the solution of problems, and in the advancement of knowledge.
  • A way of thinking and working that provides a perspective on the world that is distinct from other disciplines.
  • Longevity: a discipline does not “date” quickly, although the subject advances.
  • Independence from specific technologies, especially those that have a short shelf-life

Computer Science is a discipline with all of these characteristics.

View the Computing Curriculum Journey >

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