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The Curriculum


All students are entitled to a Focus on Your Future (FOYF) programme that will:

  • provide good quality independent careers advice to students which inspires them and motivates them to fulfil their potential;
  • provide personal advice and guidance which is in the best interests of, and meets the needs of, all students;
  • contribute to the raising of student achievement by encouraging students to develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers;
  • provide opportunities to work in partnership with employers, training providers, local colleges and others;
  • provide opportunities to inspire students through real-life contact with the world of work;
  • develop enterprise and employability skills including skills for self-employment;
  • support inclusion, challenge stereotyping and promote equality of opportunity;
  • encourage students to see career development as a life-long process;
  • develop students’ skills and knowledge of careers including career management skills and knowledge of the national and local labour market (LMI);
  • ensure students are aware of the full range of academic and technical routes available at each transition point so that students have the necessary knowledge to make successful transitions;
  • provide opportunities for meaningful encounters with employees, employers, further and higher education and experience of workplaces;
  • support social mobility by improving opportunities for all students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with special educational needs and disabilities and
  • be embedded into subjects across the curriculum, including our extended provision programme.

Our Commitment at KS3

  • To know who the Careers Development Coordinator is
  • To know where the #FOYF resource room is
  • To know where #FOYF resources may be found in the library
  • To have been introduced to a wide range of careers across the curriculum
  • To have opportunities to identify strengths, qualities and skills and set targets to improve them
  • To be aware that option choices may affect future career options
  • To have been introduced to Start.com as a means of researching careers options, building an individual digital passport, and labour market information
  • To have taken part in at least 2 careers activities beyond the normal timetable
  • To be encouraged to widen skills through enrichment activities

Our Commitment at KS4

  • To be aware of academic and generic skills required by employers and set related personal targets
  • To explore a wide range of career opportunities through Start.com, the curriculum and 1:1 guidance
  • To continue to add to an individual digital passport
  • To be aware of the range of Post-16 choices: sixth forms, FE colleges and apprenticeships and have secured a suitable destination
  • To have taken part in a work-related activity
  • To have had a 1:1 guidance interview with our Careers Development Coordinator
  • To be encouraged to widen skills through enrichment activities
  • To have undergone a mock interview with local business volunteers / employers and received feedback

Our Commitment at KS5

  • To be aware of academic and generic skills required by employers and set related personal targets
  • To explore a wide range of career opportunities through Start.com, the curriculum and through 1:1 guidance interviews
  • To be aware of the range of Post-18 choices: FE colleges, HE Institutions, apprenticeships and employment, and have secured a suitable destination for Post-18
  • To have completed a work experience placement
  • To be aware of the benefits of work experience, volunteering, internships and work shadowing
  • To have undertaken individual and / or group work relating to development of employability skills
  • To be aware of trends in local and national labour markets to identify where possible employment opportunities may exist