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Sixth Form
At Lawnswood we really do value giving students a voice and believe as a sixth form that students should be at the heart of everything we do. The aim of the Student Committee is to ensure that Sixth form students are represented at and contribute to all aspects of school life, from evaluating the quality of teaching & learning through to encouraging each other to seize opportunities beyond school life.
Our selection process is very vigorous but does provide students with the best experiences possible when moving their careers forward. From application forms, student hustings and interviews with senior leaders it really does test their abilities and enables us to appoint the best people for the posts.
Congratulations to the following students who were successful and have taken up the positions within their student committee. They will now represent their peers on all matters arising over the course of the academic year. They’ve already been very busy meeting as a team to discuss next steps and planning and preparing upcoming events.
Watch this space year 12, we will be recruiting for two students to join the committee. The main responsibilities will include liaising with the student committee and being the student voice for your year group. If you are interested in being part of this wonderful opportunity then show an expression of interest with a member of the sixth form team.