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Sixth Form


Students at Lawnswood will follow one of the following four routes to be agreed with the student on the basis of their GCSE results:

  • 3 A-level subjects– these will be assessed at the end of Year 13 through linear examinations and coursework. There will be no external AS exam sat – instead rigorous mock exams will be sat at the end of Year 12 to inform decisions about progression into Year 13.
  • 2 CTEC Diplomas or equivalent– these will be assessed throughout the two years through coursework assignments (some of which will be marked internally, some externally) as well as through external examination
  • 1 CTEC Diploma + 1 CTEC Extended Certificate or equivalent + GCSE resit: Students who require a resit in English or Maths GCSE and meet the other entry criteria will pursue this pathway.
  • A mixture of A-levels and CTECs– to add up to a total of three Level 3 qualifications.

View our prospectus for the subject listings >>

Lawnswood School and Ralph Thoresby School Sixth Form Prospectus 2019_20_PRINT-31