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Our School
Welcoming families of EAL students and working in partnership with them is key to supporting EAL pupils and their learning. We have regular contact with parents and a new arrivals parent meeting 6/12 weeks after students start for parents to find out how their children are settling in, ways to support them and more about our education system. Parents also have an opportunity to get to know other parents who are new to the country.
We have had a partnership with Al Haqq Supplementary School in Burley for the past 5 years and regularly help out at afterschool sessions. This has proved highly successful in understanding and supporting the needs of our Pakistani heritage pupils and forming closer links with parents.
Recently we have formed contacts with the Chinese and Arabic Language schools in Leeds and are working together to support students learning with home language GCSE’s.
The EAL Coordinator is part of the Year 7 transition team and visits primary schools to gain background information on EAL pupils. EAL assessments are carried out alongside Year 7 tests for those pupils who need further support.