My Bright Kite 'Lessons of Hope' ~ school students interview Gulwali Passarlay
Lessons of Hope is a Refugee Awareness Resource Pack for schools. Recommended age 11+. The film features students from ...
Important notice:Welcome Y7 2025! Congratulations on gaining your place at Lawnswood. Look out for detailed information in the post introducing you to life at Lawnswood. In the meantime, please contact Rhian Speight via email ( or telephone the school, to accept the place. Contact Rhian via email
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Our School
Through individualised learning programmes, intervention and support we will continue to further raise the attainment of EAL pupils across the curriculum. We are one of the few schools in the city fortunate to have a dedicated EAL learning base.
We aim to build effective and consistent teaching strategies, differentiation and resources within departments to give our staff the confidence to meet the needs of our ever growing number of EAL students.
We pride ourselves on the excellent relationships we have with parents and the different local communities. We have regular coffee mornings and opportunities for our EAL parents to come into school. For those parents who do not speak English we provide interpreters and translated school information materials for parents in order to encourage the parents of our minority ethnic groups to become more involved with the school and their children’s education.
My Bright Kite: ‘Freedom of Voice’ project
Please take some time to watch one of the 12 videos that are the result of our EAL team working with My Bright Kite. Each video is a personal story from a child, beautifully told and truly thought-provoking. These films are being used by schools and teacher training organisations across the country to develop and raise awareness, but also to celebrate the courage and achievements of these students. The first film in the series has already been used widely by other organisations, including WY Police.
Lessons of Hope is a Refugee Awareness Resource Pack for schools. Recommended age 11+. The film features students from ...
A teenage boy shares his experience of leaving his home country, Egypt, and not being able to continue his love for handball.
A young girl shares her experience of leaving her home and migrating to the UK, differences between school in Leeds and her ...
A young girl shares her memories of growing up in Syria and Lebanon and joining family in the UK, where she started attending ...
A young boy's account of leaving his home country and settling into life in the UK. He shares his experiences of being involved ...
A young girl's account of memories of a peaceful Syria before the war, being forced to leave her home to find safety in the UK, ...
A teenage boy's account of being forced to leave Syria because of the war, journeying to safety with his family via Greece, ...
A teenage girls powerful account of being forcibly displaced from Eritrea, travelling to Ethiopia where she stayed in a refugee ...
A teenage boy's account of leaving Egypt and moving to Japan, adapting to life in Japan and then being uprooted and having to ...
A teenage boy's account of leaving his country of birth, Pakistan, first impressions of England, settling in, making friends, ...
A young girl's account of leaving Syria and settling into a new school life in Leeds, UK. About this project: Freedom of Voice is a ...
A young boy's account of being forcibly displaced from his home country Syria, due to the war, travelling to safety and building a ...
A teenage girl's account of being separated from her mother, leaving Ghana, and being reunited with family in Leeds, UK. We also ...
My Bright Kite are passionate about educating all children and young people, irrespective of background, on the global themes of ...
Days out like this are very precious to us at #MyBrightKite. They provide opportunities for new #Friendships. Being in #Nature ...
My Bright Kite is a refugee youth organisation based in West Yorkshire. We create opportunities for education, fun and friendships.
Picture My World is a youth-led participation project where young refugees learn new creative and technical skills in photography, ...
Picture My World is a youth-led participation project where young refugees learn new creative and technical skills in photography, ...
A child led social action project where School children in Leeds learn and share about refugee experiences and offer friendship ...
Lessons of Hope is a youth-led educational resource, raising awareness of child refugees and the importance of solidarity and ...