Important notice:Welcome Y7 2025! Congratulations on gaining your place at Lawnswood. Look out for detailed information in the post introducing you to life at Lawnswood. In the meantime, please contact Rhian Speight via email ( or telephone the school, to accept the place.   Contact Rhian via email

0113 284 4020

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Key Information


Victoria Pearson, 


Nicola Goodwill

Assistant Headteacher SEND and Inclusion

Sophie Sumpter

Assistant SENDCO & Inclusion Teacher

At Lawnswood School, we believe that every young person should achieve their potential.

Even before a young person begins their Lawnswood journey,  we visit primary schools to ensure we get to know students and their needs as well as possible.  We visit students in their primary schools and offer extra visits, in addition to those offered for other young people.

Each pupil is treated as an individual and we work hard to match our resources to their needs.  Quality First Teaching drives our approach to inclusion, and most students are taught within mainstream lessons.  We offer further support and teaching within our Access groups in Years 7 to 9, and through targeted Maths and English lessons at Key Stage 4. Where young people may benefit from further intervention, we offer additional support aimed at improving Maths and Literacy/English skills, which are crucial for their future pathways.

Our experienced team of support staff are dedicated and get to know our young people very well.  We work closely with Pastoral teams within school and a range of external agencies, e.g.: STARS, SCOPE, Educational Psychologist services, SENSAP/SENIT and DAHIT to help us provide the best possible support for our students. 

We were lucky to be able to open the Link Provision in September 2019. This is a provision aimed at providing short-term SEMH support and general teaching for more vulnerable students. It is staffed by a team of specialist colleagues.

We are happy to show students and parents/carers around our school and discuss our provision in more detail, so do contact us if you would like to arrange a visit.

The Local Offer

Every local authority must publish a Local Offer. The Local Offer tells you what support the local authority expects to be available for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities.

To see the Leeds Local Offer, please visit

If you would like further advice or information about the Leeds Local Offer and how to use it, you can call the Helpline on 0113 3951200 or send an email to:

Should you require more information about the support we offer, please contact us here >>

Exam Access Arrangements

The process for considering Exam Access Arrangements begins in the summer term of Year 9. This consists of evidence gathering from recent reports/data, class teacher feedback, pastoral teams and the Inclusion team.

Certain arrangements are centre allocated, such as the need for a separate room or rest breaks, but some need formal assessments to take place in order to determine if the young person qualifies, such as for extra time or a scribe.

The Exam Access Assessor, Mrs Staniforth, would gather the evidence, meet with the young person and assess where needed. An application would then be made to the exam board if the young person meets the criteria. Parents would then be informed via a letter.

Exam Access Arrangements are only applied when it is the young person’s normal way of working within school and they use these arrangements within lesson time. They also can only be put in place if the young person’s difficulties have a substantial and long-term impact on their learning.   

Please refer to the policies for further information.