Important notice:Welcome Y7 2025! Congratulations on gaining your place at Lawnswood. Look out for detailed information in the post introducing you to life at Lawnswood. In the meantime, please contact Rhian Speight via email (rhian.speight@elawnswood.co.uk) or telephone the school, to accept the place. Contact Rhian via email
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Ofsted inspectors visited our school on Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 September 2023. As is the process with ungraded inspections, the outcome of the inspection is reported to us in a letter from the Lead Inspector. We were delighted that the inspection confirmed that the school continues to provide a good education for its students.
Below you will see some extracts from the letter and a link to the full letter for your information.
I am proud to be the Headteacher of Lawnswood School and, along with all my colleagues in school, feel privileged to work with our students on a daily basis.
Above all, I am pleased for the students; they can continue to hold their heads high and to be proud of their school and their achievements.
Please do take a moment to read the report; it describes the school well and celebrates our many strengths.
"The school has created a positive environment in which pupils feel happy and safe."
"The school has high expectations for pupils' achievement, It has developed a curriculum that reflects pupils' diverse backgrounds."
"Pupils are polite, friendly and respectful"
"The school raises pupils' aspirations further through strong links with universities and employers".
"The school provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests."