Important notice:Welcome Y7 2025! Congratulations on gaining your place at Lawnswood. Look out for detailed information in the post introducing you to life at Lawnswood. In the meantime, please contact Rhian Speight via email ( or telephone the school, to accept the place.   Contact Rhian via email

0113 284 4020

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Key Information

Financial Information

Maintained schools are required to publish salary information on any employee earning over £100,000 per annum.

All staff employed directly by the school are paid in accordance with the School Teachers Pay & Conditions Document (STPD) or National Joint Council (NJC) Terms & Conditions (associate staff). All salary levels are determined and reviewed annually by the Board of Governors.

As of September 2023, the number of employees whose benefits exceed £100,000 per annum, in £10,000 bandings:

Gross salary bandings Number of employees
£100,000 - £109,999 0
£110,000 - £119,999 0
£120,000 - £129,000 1
£130,000 - £139,999 0
£140,000 - £149,999 0