Important notice:Sixth Form Open Evening - Wednesday 13 November, 5pm-7pm. We look forward to welcoming you.
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For Parents and Carers
Type of subject: Academic, scientific
GCSE Maths is an academic subject studied by all students.
Like English, it is an important subject for providing students with skills that are essential for life, and a subject that employers and further education establishments always ask for. Gaining a good grade in maths is often the key to accessing post 16 courses. This is an academic subject with elements of functional skills.
Examples of topics studied:
Within the GCSE, you study aspects of algebra, number, shape and space, handling data.
How is the course assessed?
We have frequent topic assessments as well as formal internal examinations throughout the year.
The new style assessment will be 3 papers of 1 hour 30 minutes.
Students will take either Foundation Tier grades 1 - 5 or the Higher Tier grades 3 – 9.
Grade 5 is likely to be the national benchmark although a grade 4 currently equates to a ‘standard pass’.
We follow the AQA exam specification.
Additional information:
The current curriculum for mathematics began in September 2015 and was first examined in 2017.
The GCSE is a two year course. Students will take their GCSE examination at the end of the two year course. The GCSE is awarded on three final examinations, each 1 hour and 30 minutes long. There is no coursework.
Correct equipment is essential; this includes having a scientific calculator!
Who should I talk to if I want to ask about this subject?
Mr D Lyons