Important notice:Sixth Form Open Evening - Wednesday 13 November, 5pm-7pm. We look forward to welcoming you.
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For Parents and Carers
Type of subjects: Academic, creative
These subjects go well with: Everything! Also gaining a good grade in English is often the key to accessing courses post 16+.
GCSE English Language is studied by all students. Like maths, it is an important subject for providing students with skills that are essential for life, and a subject that employers and further education establishments always ask for.
Examples of topics studied:
English Language involves the study of both spoken and written texts. It is assessed by two final examinations at the end of the two-year period which assess both reading and writing. There is also a Spoken Language component which is assessed by the teacher. The aim of the course is to teach students to read fluently and write effectively. Students should be able to demonstrate a confident control of Standard English and to analyse texts. In achieving this aim, students will study a wide variety of pre- and post-twentieth century texts, with fiction and non-fiction.
All students will also study GCSE English Literature, which involves the analysis of plays, novels and poetry, including Shakespeare and a nineteenth century novel. This concludes with two exams at the end of the second year.
Additional information:
We follow the AQA specification for both English Language and English Literature. See for further information.
How is the course assessed?
Both the Literature and Language courses are assessed through final examinations at the end of the course.
Who should I talk to if I want to ask about this subject?
Mr D Mellor