Important notice:Sixth Form Open Evening - Wednesday 13 November, 5pm-7pm. We look forward to welcoming you.
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For Parents and Carers
This is an exciting course that will prepare students to participate confidently and successfully in the creative industries.
Type of subject: Creative, practical, technical.
This subject goes well with: Product design, photography, Art and design subjects.
If you take this course you will achieve:
One GCSE in Art Textiles grade (9-1)
If you don’t choose this subject, you won’t be able to do: A level Art textile.
How is the course structured?
Students produce two components of work for the GCSE.
Component 1: A portfolio of Textiles and Art practical work showing a personal response to a chosen theme. Students visit the Hepworth Gallery and Yorkshire Sculpture Park in Year 10. They also have the opportunity to work with Leeds College of Art.
Component 2: Externally Set Task is an early release paper issued at the beginning of January each year and will provide learners with six themes, each with a range of written and visual starting points. Students respond to one of the questions and will create a sketchbook, a range of Textiles samples and techniques and final piece.
How is the course assessed?
Portfolio unit 60%
Set task 40%
Additional information:
If you enjoy Textiles and Art then you can develop your creative skills and take your work further. If you are interested in fashion or interior design, then this is a great course for you. This GCSE provides a broad experience of Art and Textiles and is an excellent foundation for further studying creative courses. After completing a GCSE in Art Textiles, you may wish to consider A level Art Textiles or Art. If after A levels, you intend to do a Diploma or Foundation Course in Art, you are advised to take a GCSE in Art or Art Textiles.
This is a good subject to choose if you want to become an artist, fashion designer, fashion illustrator, graphic designer, photographer, web designer, interior designer, architect or theatrical designer to name but a few. Most of these require further study at an art school, further education college or university.
Who should I talk to if I want to ask about this subject?
Mrs Edwards and Miss Smith.