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For Parents and Carers

GCSE Art & Design

AQA Fine Art

Type of subject: Creative, practical, technical

This subject goes well with:  Textiles technology, product design, photography.

If you take this course you will achieve: One GCSE in Art and Design grade (9-1)

If you don’t choose this subject, you won’t be able to do: A level Art and Design, A level photography.

How is the course structured? Students produce two components of work for the GCSE.  

Component 1: A portfolio of practical work showing a personal response to your chosen theme. Students visit the Hepworth Gallery and Yorkshire Sculpture Park in Year 10. They also have the opportunity to work with Leeds College of Art and do exciting workshops.

Component 2: An externally set task is an early release paper issued at the beginning of January each year and will provide learners with six themes, each with a range of written and visual starting points. Students respond to one of the questions and will create a sketchbook and final piece.

How is the course assessed?

Portfolio unit 60%

Set task 40%

Additional information:

This is a very broad course and covers all areas of Art including: drawing, illustration, painting, print making, photography, ceramics and 3D. You will be encouraged to develop your own style and can personalize your coursework to suit your individual interests. After completing a GCSE in Art and Design, you may wish to consider A level Art and Design, photography or Art Textiles.

If after A levels, you intend to do a Diploma or Foundation Course in Art, you are advised to take GCSE Art. This is a good subject to choose if you want to become an artist, illustrator, graphic designer, fashion designer, photographer, web designer, computer games designer, interior designer, architect teacher or theatrical designer to name but a few.  Most of these require further study at an art school, further education college or university.

Who should I talk to if I want to ask about this subject?

Mrs S Edwards   Ms P Smith