Important notice:Welcome Y7 2025! Congratulations on gaining your place at Lawnswood. Look out for detailed information in the post introducing you to life at Lawnswood. In the meantime, please contact Rhian Speight via email ( or telephone the school, to accept the place.   Contact Rhian via email

0113 284 4020

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For Parents and Carers

Support for your child through the transition

At Lawnswood School the Transition Team provide an all year round process that will help your child make the jump from Year 6 to Year 7.

  • Primary school visits - delivered by either staff or older students to support learning, within their familiar classroom setting.
  • Collaboration - between colleagues to share best practice
  • One to One Parent Meetings - conducted by pastoral and inclusion leaders to support individual pupils’ needs
  • Primary School Meetings - plus mentor sessions with all new Year 7s to support the transition process
  • Paired reading peer support with older students
  • PSHE programme focusing on change and building new relationships
  • Early lunch sitting for the first term
  • Settling in groups -to provide additional time for vulnerable students
  • Induction Day - to familiarise children with their new surroundings and routines
  • An Induction Evening - to support the concerns and queries of our parents/carers
  • Links - to a variety of community and national educational schemes that can provide further help and guidance to your child.

Primary school visits

We aim to visit as many children as possible in their primary school setting, in the summer term.

The Transition Team will meet with the children and play a variety of ice breaking games, all with the focus of settling nerves and answering the many myths!

How do I get food?

How will I know what uniform to wear?

What do I do if I get lost?

We also give them plenty of valuable advice about lessons, equipment and general arrangements in school. At the same time the team speak to your child’s classroom teacher and learning mentors to gather vital information about achievement and progress that will aid their move to secondary school.

One to one meetings and tours

In the summer term, you will have an opportunity to book a 1:1 tour/meeting with a Lawnswood member of staff. It is vital to us that as well as building relationships with your child’s primary school, we get to know parents quickly too. If you are worried about the transition for your child, or they have vulnerabilities or needs that that requires additional planning, then please do contact our Y7 SENDCO, Ms Sophie Sumpter: There is no need to wait if you are worried- get in touch any time.


We make no apologies for setting high expectations at Lawnswood and we ensure that our Year 7 students are fully supported to meet these. During the Induction Days, students will have the opportunity to meet their form tutors, go on a tour of the building, experience learning at Lawnswood and find out how to be a success at secondary school.

In the evening event for parents and carers, you will have the opportunity to meet the Senior Leadership Team and the Year 7 Pastoral Team. They will welcome you, as parents, to the Lawnswood Community, share with you our vision and ethos and invite you to join a partnership that will allow your child to thrive.

We feel strongly that the transition process doesn’t end in July, it continues throughout Year 7. As a start we welcome the opportunity to share your child’s progress at our Settling In Evening in the first term. Obviously, our Transition Team are available by telephone, email or appointment at school, should you wish to discuss your child at any time.