Important notice:Welcome Y7 2025! Congratulations on gaining your place at Lawnswood. Look out for detailed information in the post introducing you to life at Lawnswood. In the meantime, please contact Rhian Speight via email (rhian.speight@elawnswood.co.uk) or telephone the school, to accept the place. Contact Rhian via email
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For Parents and Carers
As a parent/carer, it can be difficult to know how best to support your child through this significant change. Some children may be really excited and looking forward to it, whilst others may be feeling more anxious. You may be feeling anxious too. We are to support you through this process too and beyond.
You might find some of the resources below helpful to work through with your child:
Young Minds
Compass/Anna Freud
Starting Secondary School Booklet
Visit mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk
BBC Bitesize Starting Secondary School
This is a very useful website with lots of helpful videos and resources for both parents and students. Starting secondary school - BBC Parents' Toolkit - BBC Bitesize