Important notice:Welcome Y7 2025! Congratulations on gaining your place at Lawnswood. Look out for detailed information in the post introducing you to life at Lawnswood. In the meantime, please contact Rhian Speight via email (rhian.speight@elawnswood.co.uk) or telephone the school, to accept the place. Contact Rhian via email
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For Parents and Carers
We are delighted that your child will be joining us in September 2025 and can’t wait to meet them in the coming months. This section of the website will provide some useful information that outlines key parts of the process, as well as some useful tools and links to help navigate this journey.
Between March and July, I will be working closely with the transition team at Lawnswood and our local primary schools to welcome your child to the next stage of their education. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch, via the school office.
Nicola Goodwill,
Assistant Headteacher
3rd March 2025 |
Offer letters/emails received from Leeds City Council |
4th – 7th March 2025 |
Welcome Pack Look out for our welcome letter, information pack and data collection form, arriving in the post. If you have not received this by Friday 7th March, or are allocated a place after the initial date, please call the school office or email rhian.speight@elawnswood.co.uk |
March -April 2025 |
SEND and Inclusion Contact our SENDCO (Y7 Lead) Sophie Sumpter by emailing sophie.sumpter@elawnswood.co.uk if your child has any support needs or vulnerabilities that require additional planning and preparation. We can create bespoke transition programmes for children with EHCPs and other children who are receiving high levels of support in their current primary school. Equally, if you have a general query about SEND and Inclusion at Lawnswood, please do contact us. |
4th April 2025 |
Deadline for accepting place You must contact the school at the earliest opportunity after 3rd March to let us know whether you accept or decline the place. You can do this by calling the school office or emailing rhian.speight@elawnswood.co.uk |
25th April 2025 |
Deadline for returning yellow data collection form These forms provide an opportunity for you to tell us about emergency contacts, medical and health information so it is essential it is returned promptly, so our staff and systems are ready in time to welcome your child later in the year. |
Late May- early June 2025 |
Primary School Visits Lawnswood School transition team will visit as many students as possible in their primary schools and meet with their teachers. Students will also have a workshop delivered by Lawnswood staff; this is an opportunity for them to ask lots of questions and find out more about secondary school. |
Early June 2025 |
Induction Day/tour booking letter Look out for a letter from Lawnswood with more information about the upcoming induction days – this will tell you all the details about when to arrive and where and what to wear! It also includes information about booking 1:1 tours of school. |
27th -28th June 2025 |
Tutor group letter Look out for a letter from Lawnswood telling you what tutor group your child will be in – they will need this information when they arrive for the induction days the following week. It will also include contact details for the form tutor and year team. |
Late June -Mid July |
Enjoy a 1:1 tour around Lawnswood School We would be delighted if you and your child joined us at Lawnswood for an afterschool tour. This gives you the opportunity to have a guided tour and chat with a member of Lawnswood staff, 1:1. Booking opens for these tours in early June. |
1st and 2nd July 2025 |
Induction Days at Lawnswood School The induction days provide an opportunity for all new Y7 students to spend two full at Lawnswood, where they will be participating in lots of activities with their new tutor group and form tutor. There will be a mixture of classroom based and outdoor activities. |
1st July 2025 6.00 – 7.00pm |
Parent/Carer/Student Information evening. This an important event to find out more about September and also an opportunity to meet your child’s form tutor. There will also be uniform supply available to order/purchase, as well as uniform from our ‘Pay as You Feel’ shop. |
2nd September 2025 |
Secondary school starts It is likely that the first day for Y7 will be Tuesday 2nd September, but specific details of the return to school for all year groups will be shared prior the summer holidays. |
“I have found the transition from Primary to Secondary school very comfortable and easy because I have had support and care shown to me. I also have made loads of new friends which has made the transition easy because I could talk to people who were going through the same thing as me. My parents were also very helpful as they gave me endless care and support”. - Abigail 7GPA
"Transition Day was an amazing day, because it was a day to see where everything was. There were some cool activities like sewing. On Transition Day you could make new friends and you could get to know the schools rules too" - Amika 7GPA
"I enjoyed transition because I made new friends and friendships." - Jake 7JMC
"There was fun activities and competition, like in art we had to draw an animal, and if yours was the best you got a prize!" - Zoe 7JMC
"Transition day was full of exciting activities, it was great way to make friends and enjoy looking around the school. As well as having fun, we also learnt about the school rules. Overall, transition day was an amazing experience." Darcie 7LWE
"Transition day was fun because we got to have a look around the school, make friends, learn about the school rules and meet teachers" Maya 7LWE
"You will make more friends than you think, you will have more fun than you expect. It might seem scary at first but you'll realise that its easier than you think." Alina 7LWE
Leeds Education Authority (LEA) has an admissions policy and system which can be found on the Leeds City Council website >>
If you need further advice from the school, contact Mrs R Speight - PA to the SLT: rhian.speight@elawnswood.co.uk.