Important notice:Welcome Y7 2025! Congratulations on gaining your place at Lawnswood. Look out for detailed information in the post introducing you to life at Lawnswood. In the meantime, please contact Rhian Speight via email (rhian.speight@elawnswood.co.uk) or telephone the school, to accept the place. Contact Rhian via email
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For Parents and Carers
We would like to give parents/carers some information about our approach to managing student behaviour and developing important relationships within school. Hopefully, as a result of this, you will be better informed and therefore better equipped to work with us to ensure that your child reaches their full potential.
We are committed to a restorative model of managing behaviour in school. We aim to provide and maintain a calm, harmonious environment in which all members of our school community feel safe, valued and able to contribute. As an inclusive school, we recognise, reflect and celebrate the skills, talents, contribution and diversity of all our members. Students respond positively to positive actions from staff. Forming positive relationships in and out of the classroom can eradicate negative behaviour patterns and support behaviour management in the classroom. We want our students to be able to learn and develop into responsible citizens. As a school we want to;
At Lawnswood we have three rules; Ready, Respect, Safe. Are our students ready to learn? Are students being respectful to others and their environment and finally are they safe? All other expectations are underpinned by these three. This helps us to provide clarity and consistency across the school. Where students display serious aggressive and/or threatening behaviour, or illegal activity is discovered, the school will not hesitate to take appropriate action.
Staff will impose consequences as they see fit depending on the context, behaviour, and age of the student. Consequences are detailed below but the list is not exhaustive:
All reflections are held after school and are tiered, from Green 15 minute, Amber 30 minute and Red 60 minute reflections. If a red reflection is failed or not attended, it will result in the student being isolated whilst we understand the reasons for them not attending and then reintegrate back into lessons.
We aim to increase students’ self-esteem through consistent, meaningful, positive rewards. We recognise and reward learners who go ‘over and above’ our standards. Although there are tiered awards, our staff understand that a quiet word of personal praise can be as effective as a larger, more pubic, reward. Rewards should be personalised and can be given by any member of staff in school. At Lawnswood we award ‘commendations’ on ClassCharts for a range of positive behaviours both in and out of the classroom. Recognition of good behaviour is important and we do this in a variety of ways:
Having a child attend any school is a three-way partnership between the school, parents/carers and the young person. Parenting is not always easy and we have a wide range of people available to help parents and carers with any issue they might have. Please ring the school to seek an appointment with your Head of Year if you would like to discuss how we can help you.